The Blog
Making Peace with the Pantry
My free eBook and companion eCourse is here to support you on your journey to food freedom

Ditch the Resolutions: Embrace Healthy Habits for a New You!
As we head into the new year, let's kick resolutions to the curb and cozy up to the idea of cultivating healthy habits that stick. Here are five reasons why making small changes in your daily habits can lead to big, lasting results.

Understanding Insulin Resistance and Lifestyle Hacks to Help Reverse It
Insulin resistance means that the cells in the body have become less responsive to insulin, which leads to elevated blood sugar levels. If left unchecked, insulin resistance can lead to type 2 diabetes. Learn more about what insulin resistance is, signs that you may have it, and what lifestyle changes will help reverse it.

The Scoop on Collagen Supplements
Collagen supplements are becoming more and more popular, but do you know which type is best to take? There are 5 types of collagen that are the most common and what you will find in supplements. This post takes a look at each one so that you will know which collagen is the best for you.

Sports Nutrition: Eating For Exercise and Fitness
Have you ever wondered what you should eat to get the most of your workouts? And what about fueling before/after a workout? If so, you are going to love the conversation I had with Mary Teunis, a fellow personal trainer and nutrition coach.
Mary is a former competitive gymnast and a CrossFit competitor who knows first-hand how important it is to fuel your body for optimal performance. In this interview, we dive into all sorts of sports nutrition topics to give you some actionable tips for eating for exercise and fitness.

Rebranding Announcement: Full Circuit Fitness & Nutrition
I began my health coaching business as a sole proprietor and recently took the step to become an LLC. With that change, I decided to call my business by something other than my personal name to reflect the work I do and the direction I want my business to take. And so, Full Circuit Fitness & Nutrition was born.

Using MCTs And MCT Oil To Boost Your Health
Curious about MCTs and MCT oil?
MCTs are pretty hot on the nutrition scene now. They are a special type of fat and the theory is that they are metabolized differently from other fats. It is believed they can curb cravings, help boost your metabolism, decrease gut inflammation and improve brain function.
Read on to learn more about the benefits of using MCTs and MCT oil to boost your health and meet your wellness goals.

The Ultimate Guide To Creating A Healthy Kitchen: Breakfast Edition
All healthy habits are created through consistent practice and repetition. So if we want breakfast to be one of our healthy habits, then we must consistently prepare a good breakfast and actually eat it.
However, this can be easier said than done on a daily basis. Particularly if your mornings get hectic and you are often short on time. One of the best things you can do when it comes to putting yourself in a position to start your day with a balanced breakfast is having a well-stocked kitchen.
This guide will ensure that your kitchen is stocked so that you can whip together a healthy breakfast on the fly and in a pinch.

Create Healthy Eating Habits: A Health Coach's Top Tip
Starting each day with a balanced breakfast is one of the very best health and wellness habits you can adopt. Explore how eating breakfast will set you up to make supportive and nourishing food choices all day long. Plus, learn how to build a healthy breakfast and fill your recipe collection with simple, balanced and very nutritious breakfast ideas!

Boost Your Immunity From The Inside Out
In light of the recent events, I thought I share an excerpt from an article that one of my health conscious friends shared last night on Facebook. It's worth the read and reinforces that eating a plant strong diet is one of the very best things we can do to boost our immunity during this time of uncertainty. And regardless if the hype is exaggerated or not, I think we could all benefit by strengthening our immune systems.

The Continual Journey to Heal My Relationship with Food & Where I am Now
I have been in the process of creating my new Eat Happy Group Health Coaching Program and felt it was important to tell you how it all transpired and came into fruition. But I had to summon up all my courage to do it.

'Tis the Season for All Things Pumpkin
Eat more pumpkin! There is good reason to incorporate more pumpkin into your diet. Both the flesh and the seeds are nutritional superstars and boast a pretty impressive nutritional profile. Here are five health-boosting benefits of eating pumpkin and some easy ways to use this seasonal fruit.

What is Juice Plus+? And How Will it Help You?
In my previous "Why You Should Kick Calorie Counting to the Curb" blog post, I shared the results of a new research study that offers strong support that we should move away from counting calories and limiting portion sizes and move toward focusing on adopting a high quality diet.
I would venture to say that you already know the importance of a high quality diet and would wholeheartedly agree that the right fuel makes your body run better. The problem is not the knowing. The problem is often the doing.
It can be really, really hard to consistently eat a high quality diet. After all, you go-go-go from sun up to sun down. You try so hard to fit it all in. To balance healthy eating with everything else on your plate (pun-intended, ha!). But there are only so many hours in a day and something has to give. And that something is often a healthy breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
And this, my sweet friend, is precisely why I am so excited to introduce a simple and easy way to take healthy back. It's called Juice Plus+ and it makes doing what we know we should with our diet actually doable.
Find out more about Juice Plus+ and learn how making this one simple change can be a jump start to better health!

Why You Should Kick Calorie Counting to the Curb
The diet and food industry has long sold us the idea that in order to lose weight, we should count calories, limit portions, and exercise more. That maintaining a healthy weight is all about discipline, willpower, and self-control.
But listen up friends. We need to ditch this mentality. Like STAT. We need to stop counting calories (and carbs and fat grams and anything else for that matter!) and switch our focus to consuming whole, real food and to upgrading the QUALITY of our diets. I know counting and measuring can be hard to let go of but a new study that was reported on by the New York Times last week may help you change your mind.

5 Tips To Get You Into The Kitchen Even If You Aren't The Next Julia Child
I truly believe one of the best things we can do for our health is increase the number of home-cooked meals we eat and decrease the number of meals we eat out at restaurants, bring home in the form of take out, and that come from a box (entirely or partially). But what are you to do when you don't really like to cook, find it overwhelming to meal plan, and don't find joy in doing dishes? Well, my friend, I've gotcha covered.
Here are 5 things that have helped me increase the number of home-cooked meals I eat and decrease my reliance on the quick and the easy.

I am a Health Coach BUT I Don't Like to Cook
I have a confession. I am health coach but I don't really like to cook. Nothing in the kitchen comes naturally to me. The timing, the organization, the combining of flavors. None of it. I am messy and unorganized. I can easily use about 20 different utensils to prepare one simple meal. I have yet to figure out how all the spoons and forks are dirty by the time the dish is prepared and ready to eat. Now that I think about it, maybe this is one reason why I don't like the clean up process. Too many damn utensils to wash.