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Making Peace with the Pantry
My free eBook and companion eCourse is here to support you on your journey to food freedom

How To Prevent A Downward Holiday Eating Spiral At Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving can be a pretty stressful holiday. Not only is COVID-19 causing it to look very different this year, but it is also a holiday that largely revolves around food. The focus on the feast can leave many of us feeling anxious and fearful about overindulging and triggering a downward spiral of overeating between now and the new year.
If you find yourself worried about the holidays, read on for a few things you can do to prevent yourself from sliding down that slippery overindulging slope.

You've Had The Answers All Along My Dear
The desire to heal my relationship with food had me constantly trying to figure myself out. I was always the girl in the book store combing through the diet and self-help sections looking for the newest book that was finally going to fix me.
It took me a long time to understand that I was continuously shooting the arrow at the wrong target. I was always looking outside myself for a solution. Looking to the next diet plan. The next exercise program. A new and improved system that would make everything click.
And with time, I came to realize that I was constantly in a state of seeking something outside of me.

The Answer You Give This Question Has the Power to Shift Everything
One of my weird little quirks is that I like to listen to battle music and write motivational speeches in my head. I do this when I’m at the gym. In the car. Sometimes even while I’m washing dishes or folding laundry. Anyone who has ever taken one of my cycle classes has been on the receiving end of this quirk as these speeches often transpire into my coaching cues.
They usually reflect something that I am working on within myself and serve as a strategy to help me navigate fear and uncertainty. As well as offer a re-frame in those times when I get caught up in my head. Which still happens to be A LOT.
I tell you this because what I want to share with you today stems from one these battle music speeches. And it goes something like this…

The Continual Journey to Heal My Relationship with Food & Where I am Now
I have been in the process of creating my new Eat Happy Group Health Coaching Program and felt it was important to tell you how it all transpired and came into fruition. But I had to summon up all my courage to do it.