The Blog
Making Peace with the Pantry
My free eBook and companion eCourse is here to support you on your journey to food freedom

5 Ways to Cultivate a More Positive Mindset
Cultivating a positive mindset can be difficult if you tend to lean toward negativity - you can’t just flip a switch and “be positive”. If you struggle with slipping into a negative mindset, here are 5 things you can try to create a more positive outlook.

Cracking the Code: Unveiling the Real Reason We Don't Achieve Our Goals
Take a dive into the intricacies of goal-setting and unravel some of the most common psychological and emotional barriers that can hinder the path to success. Whether you're striving for fitness milestones, career triumphs, or personal growth, this blog post will help you redefine how you approach goal achievement and provide some insight into the missing link between where you are now and where you want to be.

You've Had The Answers All Along My Dear
The desire to heal my relationship with food had me constantly trying to figure myself out. I was always the girl in the book store combing through the diet and self-help sections looking for the newest book that was finally going to fix me.
It took me a long time to understand that I was continuously shooting the arrow at the wrong target. I was always looking outside myself for a solution. Looking to the next diet plan. The next exercise program. A new and improved system that would make everything click.
And with time, I came to realize that I was constantly in a state of seeking something outside of me.

The Answer You Give This Question Has the Power to Shift Everything
One of my weird little quirks is that I like to listen to battle music and write motivational speeches in my head. I do this when I’m at the gym. In the car. Sometimes even while I’m washing dishes or folding laundry. Anyone who has ever taken one of my cycle classes has been on the receiving end of this quirk as these speeches often transpire into my coaching cues.
They usually reflect something that I am working on within myself and serve as a strategy to help me navigate fear and uncertainty. As well as offer a re-frame in those times when I get caught up in my head. Which still happens to be A LOT.
I tell you this because what I want to share with you today stems from one these battle music speeches. And it goes something like this…

Embracing the Not Yet
One of my favorite quotes of all time is Henry Ford's "Either you think you can or you think you can't, either way you are right." But what happens when you can't say the words "I can" with conviction because they don't fully resonate and honor your true feelings? Here’s what to do when the words “I can” feel empty, false, or fake.

How to Become More Resilient in the Face of Stress and Overwhelm
The last several weeks have been particularly stressful for a variety of reasons. But as I navigate what would have formerly sent me to the pantry for comfort, I can see that things have changed. I no longer need food in times of stress. It's no longer my go-to coping mechanism. And I have been able to take the last few weeks in stride and approach them with relative ease considering the chaos. And this, my friend, is HUGE!!
So what is different?
As I was reflecting on this, I identified 5 things that I do now, which have undoubtedly, helped me consistently manage stress and not be triggered to eat my face off.

Learning to embrace struggle and practice gratitude for life's obstacles and challenges.

What You Choose To Focus On, You Get More Of
Have you ever found a four leaf clover? I haven't. But my 8 year old daughter has. In fact, she has found around 20 of them. To be honest, I am not really sure of the total number because I stopped counting after 10.
You might be thinking "wow, she is really lucky!". Or maybe even "you should take that kid to play the lottery!"
I have thought both of these things. But I've actually come to think something else too. That it is a great reminder of something much more powerful and profound. It is the perfect illustration of our internal filtering system. Of the importance of our mindset. And of the power of our perception.

Social Media...What Happens After The Video Stops Recording
The images you see as you scroll through your newsfeed are not always representative of real life. Here's an example of what your friends aren't posting.

Reflections On A Day I Lost Control Over Food
Was it really on my kid's leftover gingerbread house decor? Why yes, yes, indeed it was...
I had a flashback the other day of a time when I felt completely out of control around food. It came when I was putting away the gingerbread houses that my girls made this year.
Here's a true story of what happened in regards to the aforementioned gingerbread houses.

Reflecting on the Year & Contemplating the Future
At this time of the year, I like to reflect on what went well, what could have gone better, and where I want to go as I head into the new year. There are four simple but powerful questions that I like to use to engage in this reflection process.

Thanksgiving: It's Not All Sunshine and Gratitude Rainbows
Thanksgiving was a holiday that used to put my anxiety level through the roof. You see, I used to oscillate between times of extreme restriction and complete out of control eating. And when you struggle with guilt and shame over what you eat and how you eat, a holiday that mainly revolves around food can be pretty stressful.

The Power of Two Simple Questions
It was one of those days. Hectic. Crazy. One where nothing went according to plan. At one point, I accidentally threw my keys into the trashcan outside of Walgreens. Don't even ask how that happened. You should have seen the expression on the guy's face at the register when I explained why I needed help taking the lid off the trashcan. "Well you see, I threw my keys away...".

My Inner Critic Cusses. A Lot. Does Yours?
I have always enjoyed curse words. There is something that “darn” and “shucks” just doesn’t convey as well as their explicit counterparts. It’s all about the emphasis baby!
I've learned to tone down my use of these words over the years but I've noticed that my Inner Critic more than picks up the slack in the curse word department. Consider yourself warned.