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Making Peace with the Pantry
My free eBook and companion eCourse is here to support you on your journey to food freedom

Ditch the Resolutions: Embrace Healthy Habits for a New You!
As we head into the new year, let's kick resolutions to the curb and cozy up to the idea of cultivating healthy habits that stick. Here are five reasons why making small changes in your daily habits can lead to big, lasting results.

Why You Should Kick Calorie Counting to the Curb
The diet and food industry has long sold us the idea that in order to lose weight, we should count calories, limit portions, and exercise more. That maintaining a healthy weight is all about discipline, willpower, and self-control.
But listen up friends. We need to ditch this mentality. Like STAT. We need to stop counting calories (and carbs and fat grams and anything else for that matter!) and switch our focus to consuming whole, real food and to upgrading the QUALITY of our diets. I know counting and measuring can be hard to let go of but a new study that was reported on by the New York Times last week may help you change your mind.

How Do Busy Women Find Time To Workout?
You know the benefits of exercising regularly. You could probably rattle them off in your sleep. Stress relief. Improved mood. More confidence. More energy. Better sleep. Let's not forget increased strength, flexibility, and endurance. And then there's reducing the risk of heart disease and diabetes. I don't need to go on.
You know you should exercise regularly and consistently. You WANT to have a workout routine that you can maintain and sustain.
But then there's...
Work. Kids. Cooking. Cleaning. Laundry. After-School Activities. Usually the last thing on your to-do list is your workout routine. So how do you do it? How do you balance it all?

Thanksgiving: It's Not All Sunshine and Gratitude Rainbows
Thanksgiving was a holiday that used to put my anxiety level through the roof. You see, I used to oscillate between times of extreme restriction and complete out of control eating. And when you struggle with guilt and shame over what you eat and how you eat, a holiday that mainly revolves around food can be pretty stressful.