The Blog
Making Peace with the Pantry
My free eBook and companion eCourse is here to support you on your journey to food freedom

What You Choose To Focus On, You Get More Of
Have you ever found a four leaf clover? I haven't. But my 8 year old daughter has. In fact, she has found around 20 of them. To be honest, I am not really sure of the total number because I stopped counting after 10.
You might be thinking "wow, she is really lucky!". Or maybe even "you should take that kid to play the lottery!"
I have thought both of these things. But I've actually come to think something else too. That it is a great reminder of something much more powerful and profound. It is the perfect illustration of our internal filtering system. Of the importance of our mindset. And of the power of our perception.

Reflections On A Day I Lost Control Over Food
Was it really on my kid's leftover gingerbread house decor? Why yes, yes, indeed it was...
I had a flashback the other day of a time when I felt completely out of control around food. It came when I was putting away the gingerbread houses that my girls made this year.
Here's a true story of what happened in regards to the aforementioned gingerbread houses.

Reflecting on the Year & Contemplating the Future
At this time of the year, I like to reflect on what went well, what could have gone better, and where I want to go as I head into the new year. There are four simple but powerful questions that I like to use to engage in this reflection process.

Thanksgiving: It's Not All Sunshine and Gratitude Rainbows
Thanksgiving was a holiday that used to put my anxiety level through the roof. You see, I used to oscillate between times of extreme restriction and complete out of control eating. And when you struggle with guilt and shame over what you eat and how you eat, a holiday that mainly revolves around food can be pretty stressful.