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Making Peace with the Pantry
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The Ultimate Guide To Creating A Healthy Kitchen: Breakfast Edition
All healthy habits are created through consistent practice and repetition. So if we want breakfast to be one of our healthy habits, then we must consistently prepare a good breakfast and actually eat it.
However, this can be easier said than done on a daily basis. Particularly if your mornings get hectic and you are often short on time. One of the best things you can do when it comes to putting yourself in a position to start your day with a balanced breakfast is having a well-stocked kitchen.
This guide will ensure that your kitchen is stocked so that you can whip together a healthy breakfast on the fly and in a pinch.

5 Tips To Get You Into The Kitchen Even If You Aren't The Next Julia Child
I truly believe one of the best things we can do for our health is increase the number of home-cooked meals we eat and decrease the number of meals we eat out at restaurants, bring home in the form of take out, and that come from a box (entirely or partially). But what are you to do when you don't really like to cook, find it overwhelming to meal plan, and don't find joy in doing dishes? Well, my friend, I've gotcha covered.
Here are 5 things that have helped me increase the number of home-cooked meals I eat and decrease my reliance on the quick and the easy.

I am a Health Coach BUT I Don't Like to Cook
I have a confession. I am health coach but I don't really like to cook. Nothing in the kitchen comes naturally to me. The timing, the organization, the combining of flavors. None of it. I am messy and unorganized. I can easily use about 20 different utensils to prepare one simple meal. I have yet to figure out how all the spoons and forks are dirty by the time the dish is prepared and ready to eat. Now that I think about it, maybe this is one reason why I don't like the clean up process. Too many damn utensils to wash.