The Blog
Making Peace with the Pantry
My free eBook and companion eCourse is here to support you on your journey to food freedom

Reflections On A Day I Lost Control Over Food
Was it really on my kid's leftover gingerbread house decor? Why yes, yes, indeed it was...
I had a flashback the other day of a time when I felt completely out of control around food. It came when I was putting away the gingerbread houses that my girls made this year.
Here's a true story of what happened in regards to the aforementioned gingerbread houses.

My Struggle with Food: The Keys that Unlocked the Door
In my previous post, I shared my 20+ year struggle with my relationship with food. Today, I will share how I began to heal.
I can look back and see that there were a few marked turning points. One was when I had children. I have two beautiful and impressionable little girls. They stole my heart the second they were born. I wanted to figure this out so that they don't ever have to struggle in this way.

My Struggle with Food: A Self-Induced Prison
I’ve struggled with my relationship with food for as long as I can remember. It was always my outlet, my coping mechanism, the way to turn off my mind. I can remember jumping on the fat free band wagon back in high school. Fat was the enemy and I obsessed about every fat gram in every piece of food I ate. Thinner was always better. It always equated to more confidence, more social adeptness, more happiness.