Take Charge Of Your Eating, Your Fitness, and Your Health
No diets. No deprivation. No restriction.
Frustrated with weight loss progress?
Maybe you feel defeated because your clothes are getting tighter.
Maybe you lack energy and are often stressed and overwhelmed.
Maybe you start a new diet or exercise program but end up being so busy that you are only able to fully commit for a week or two.
Maybe you feel stuck because you have a general idea of what to do to lose weight and take control of your health but struggle to put those ideas into action.
Maybe you wish you had more willpower and self-control when it comes to food. Because, if you did, you could finally take charge of your eating, your fitness, and your health.
It is not your fault that you are still struggling. You are not fundamentally flawed in some way. The truth is, you can take your power back and tap into your full potential.
Let me show you how.

Say goodbye to the struggle around food and weight.
Say hello to the best version of you!
The work we do together will revolutionize the way you eat, live, move, and think. You will transform the relationship you have with your body and change your mental and physical habits. You will become in charge of your food, your fitness, and your health. You will get results because your body, health, fitness level, and performance will change from the inside out.
Take Your Power Back
Book a free strategy session
We’ll discuss your health and wellness goals and how I can best support you.
Initial consultation
We’ll create a plan that supports you in achieving your lifestyle and health goals.
Support along the way
Scheduled sessions and check-in calls to meet your specific needs.
“Amy’s program enabled me to take the focus on all the fad diets out there and learn to focus on whole, real food. Learning to add in real food and ditch all the other junk thrown at you via social media and society has helped me greatly. Also focusing on my own body and tuning into what it’s telling me about cravings has been a game changer!”
- A.W.
Small Changes = Big Results
Diet culture will try to convince you that in order to take control of your health, lose weight, and feel your best you should do a total overhaul of your fitness routine or follow a set of strict dietary rules.
It is only natural to want to take that advice. You have ambitious goals and you want to look and feel your best. However, massive overhauls never work even though they are well intended.
There is a better approach to getting the lasting results you want.
Together, we will examine how all parts of your life affect your health and your relationship with food and your body. And then you will make a series of slow and steady habit changes.
A slight upgrade in your daily doings can produce a tremendous result if applied daily.
Upgrade Your Normal A Little Bit At A Time
You Deserve To Thrive!
We will explore each of the following areas and make upgrades a little bit at a time. These upgrades will help you make long lasting and sustainable changes. The end result will be you feeling in charge of your food, your fitness, and your health and living a more balanced and fulfilling life.
The Connection With Yourself
Something truly magical happens when you restore a connection with yourself and learn to trust your own wisdom and your own body: you grow, you transform, and you blossom.
Mindset and Identity
Your actions and behaviors are simply a reflection of your thoughts and your identity. We will work to unlock any barriers that are holding you back from moving toward the best version of yourself.
Many people put everyone else’s needs ahead of their own and consequently wind up feeling drained and overwhelmed. You will work to prioritize self-care and balance your needs with the needs of all the other important people in your life.
There is no one size fits all diet. Nutrition requirements are as unique and individual as YOU are. You will learn to become aware of your body's messages and discover the foods that make you feel your best.
Achieve your fitness goals by creating an exercise routine that you can maintain and sustain for the long-haul.
Your Relationship With Food
Food is often used as a coping mechanism or as a substitute for areas of life that are out of balance. You will delve deeper into how and why you eat and work to find what you are truly hungry for.
Take Charge of Your Weight, Health, and Wellness
Work With Me
Individualized health coaching services for youth athletes and adults. Together, we will examine factors beyond nutrition that contribute to optimal health and develop an action plan that empowers you to make long-lasting change and create lifelong wellness habits.
An 8-week group coaching program focused on nutrition. Develop a personalized approach to eating and eliminate confusion around what to eat and what not to eat. Receive education, tools, and the support of a rockin’ community to empower you to find the foods that make your unique body thrive.
One-on-one and small group personal training services as well as strength and conditioning classes for both youth athletes and adults. Together, we will use fitness as a modality to help you tap into your strength, power, and purpose. Services offered out of my home and at Soldierfit Hagerstown.
Offering a variety of educational trainings designed to help groups navigate the world of conflicting health advice in a fun and empowering way. Each training is filled with education, tools, and resources to help participants to turn their insight into action.
Frequently Asked Questions
What makes a coach different than other health and wellness professionals?
It is very common for health and wellness professionals to tell you what your plan should be based on your health and wellness goals and what you want to achieve. As your health and fitness coach, I won’t tell you what to do. Instead, I will be your personal guide and mentor. I will walk alongside you and provide ongoing support and guidance.
Together, we will develop a plan that allows you to make diet and lifestyle changes that produce real and lasting results. Your plan will be one you can implement and sustain because it will be based on your health goals, your unique life circumstances, and what you are ready for. We will extract the information we need to develop this plan through our coaching conversations.
Will I count calories or macros?
My approach is not to dwell on calories, carbs, fats, and/or proteins. It is not to create lists of restrictions or good and bad foods. Instead, we will navigate the world of contradictory nutrition and health advice together to explore what truly works for you.
What does an initial one-on-one session look like?
I start all one-on-one work with an initial consultation. In this session, we will have a detailed discussion reviewing your health history and explore your current eating and lifestyle habits. We will discuss what is working and what isn't working as well as what you've imagined for your life. Together we will create a course of action that will best support you in achieving your goals.
I am interested in working with you one-on-one. I know you offer personal training, nutrition, and health coaching. Can you combine all three services?
Absolutely. We can tailor our work together to meet your specific needs and desires. During our initial consultation, we will discuss what this combination would look like for you.
I am interested in the group program. How often do you offer your Eat Happy?
I offer it twice a year. Once in the fall and once in the spring. I will send out an email to my community and advertise it on social media once it opens for registration. Become a member of my community by snagging my free eBook and/or follow me on social media Facebook and Instagram to be the first to know when registration becomes available.
You said you are an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. Does this mean you are a Dietician/Nutritionist?
No. I am a mentor and guide who has been trained in holistic health coaching to help clients reach their own health goals by helping clients devise and implement positive, sustainable lifestyle changes. I do not act in the capacity of a doctor, licensed dietician-nutritionist, psychologist or other licensed or registered professional, and my advice is not meant to take the place of advice by these professionals.