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Making Peace with the Pantry
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Workout Music Motivation: Finding Your Inner Warrior
I love battle music. My cycle friends know just how much I like battle music because it often shows up on my class playlists at very strategic times - at the precise points when I want my riders to dig deep and push hard.
I recently came to the conclusion that the reason I like it so much is because I have always felt like a fighter. A fighter in my own personal war. The war I have always waged has been a war deep within myself. Against the dysfunction I used to create around food. Against all of my doubts and insecurities. Against all the things society and culture have taught me I am supposed to be in order to be enough.
But when I listen to powerful music, like the song I am about to share with you, I feel something within me shift. I feel strong. I feel powerful. And I feel like a warrior.